
Southern Black Farmers Community Led Fund - A Case Study

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Started in 2020 as a closed collective participatory grantmaking fund with six Southern organizations working to support Black farmers, the Southern Black Farmers Community-led Fund has developed a shared strategy for collectively funding their work and that of partners, with co-benefits of shared analysis, information exchange, and the development of collaborative efforts to fill gaps. Through their participatory journey they are demonstrating the leading edge of what participatory processes can make possible. Join the PGM Community for a deep dive case study on this fund with the fund facilitator and co-chairs. We will hear about the inspiration and history of the Southern Black Farmers Community Led Fund, what lessons have been learned, their current work, and their hopes for the next three years.


Kolu Zigbi - Fund facilitator

Terence Courtney, Federation of Southern Cooperatives - Fund Co-Chair

Alsie Parks, SAAFON - Fund Co-Chair

Kelley Buhles - Facilitator